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5 Health Benefits of Music

Music is like a medicine that can cure any disease or misery one is suffering from. Music fits so well with our emotions that anyone can feel it and get attracted to it. In this article, we're going to see 5 health benefits of music, let's start.

Music is something that connects us, no matter where we live, like many people around the world listen to songs of different languages, like in cricket when we sing the national anthem and all the people living in the country feel proud and respect for their respective countries, that's the power of music. 

"Life without playing music is inconceivable for me," - Albert Einstein

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” - Bob Marley

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” - Plato

These are some quotes said by GOATs that make it clear how important music is in our lives.

 Now as it's so important, research is being done and shows that music benefits our health in both physical and mental ways. Let's see the 5 health benefits of Music:-

It elevates our mood

Music has such a great control on our mind that it can regulate our mood to whatever the song is related to, we can be happy, sad, pumped up, excited, relaxed it just totally depends on the type of music you listen to. Researchers discovered that when we listen to music our brain releases a chemical named Dopamine, which is considered the main reason affecting our mood.

A girl enjoying music with dancing

Keeps our heart healthy 

Music affects our heart in many ways like easier blood flow, reduced heart rate, lower blood pressure, decreased cortisol i.e. stress hormone level, improved breath rate, increased endorphin levels in the body. 

Music reduces anxiety and pain and also helps a patient with coronary heart disease. 

A Girl listening to music represented the effect in her heart

Improves memory 

We all have experienced that when we listen to a song many times we start to remember it, our brain just learns it right? this happens because when we listen to a rhythm or beat repetitively our brain forms patterns that help us memorize a particular song.

Research has shown that music not only improves our memory, it also improves our ability to stay focused and attentive. As it improves memory, it helps a patient suffering from Dementia to remember a few events from his/her past life.

Boosts the ability to exercise

Listening to music helps boost your exercise ability as it stimulates the cerebellum ( part of the brain responsible for motor control ) which increases the ability to perform a movement repetitively with increased stamina and motivated/focused mood.

Listening to music while exercising decreases the perceived exertion and fatigue caused by it and increases the metabolism and energy efficiency that improves the physical work performance.

A girl jogging with earphones (music) on

Improves your sleep

We all know that babies sleep faster when parents sing lullabies, in fact when we were kids our parents also must've done that right?

This not only happens with babies but a person of any age.

But why?

It's actually because listening to music affects our sleep in many ways, like:-

  • It relaxes the autonomic nervous system (controls autonomic or unconscious processes in the body). As the autonomic nervous system relaxes our bodies experience lower heart, breathing rate, and lower blood pressure which improves sleep quality.
  • Listening to music also releases the dopamine hormone and regulates the cortisol levels in the body which enhances sleep.
  • Music has soothing effects on our brain that help us be relaxed and at ease.
  • Research shows that listening to calm music can reduce pre-bedtime i.e. it reduces the time to fall asleep making it quicker when you go to bed.
  • Listening to music helps a person suffering from a short or chronic sleep disorder.


Music benefits the heart in so many ways, that's why we must listen to music every day.

These were the 5 health benefits of music, hope you liked it. Share it with your friends and family and comment your reviews. Also, make sure to follow our blog to never miss an update :)
